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Shotgun Tips
Energy Sword Tips
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Energy Sword Tips

The sword is fairly simple to master and there are a few key things you must learn in order to be successful with it. Although given the choice I would take the shotgun any day of the week, swords games exist in lone wolves, rumble pit, multi team and social slayer.

The first thing I want to tell you is to play to win. Don't worry about being cheap, its a swords game, your supposed to be cheap.

Take the higher ground. On epitath, if you are up where the rockets spawn, or on the ledges near there, you can easily jump down and score a few kills, or throw grenades and interrupt other peoples fights.

Turn your look sensitivity up, way up. I personally play on 9-10 for swords games, and for regular games I play between 3-5. You need to be able to turn around lightning fast right after you kill someone because I can guarantee you some guy will be running in looking for the easy assassination afterwords.

The lunge should be used to open most fights except extremly close range ones. After that, you should use B, and don't stop using B. Hit them over and over and over while pushing forward. The one who is pushing forward will usually win the encounter.

Obtain some plasma grenades. If you enter into a long battle ( upwards of 3 clashes ) and you are losing, just stick them. It is nearly impossible to miss at point blank range and I have actually gotten double kills this way from other enemies running into our fight trying to score a few points.

If you see two enemies engaged in a long battle, just clashing and clashing, throwing a frag grenade to their feet will score you a quick and easy double kill because their shields will already be down.

When a group of people are fighting, assassinate one person with a B attack, and you can then B the person he was fighting (he will always be in range because he was moving towards attacking the person you just assassinated). From there you can continue fighting any further opponents nearby. I have scored countless triple/over kills this way.

Although this does not work 100% of the time, when it does it is an instant kill for you. You need to practice this a lot to get a feel for it. You also need to be a good judge of distance. As soon as your opponent sees red in his reticule, he is sure to lunge. Less than a second before he lunges you back up a couple steps, he will miss and be unable to hit you for a few seconds and you can easily kill him afterwords. Like I said it takes a lot of practice but this is very effective.

Basically, as a general rule for most sword encounters, always keep an eye on your radar, turn your look sensitivity way up so you can turn around lightning fast, open with a lunge and continue using B until your opponent is defeated.