The shotgun is the most powerful close quarters weapon in halo 3 and is not difficult to use, however there are a few vital things you should know.
First off, the shotgun WILL beat the sword every time in close range. Shoot the second you see them swing for you, don't chase them down shooting because there is a delay between your shots and they will lunge you during that time. The second you see them stepping in for the lunge or swing, fire your shotgun and you can be guaranteed a bulltrue.
ALWAYS keep an eye on your radar when you have the shotgun. You have to know where your opponents are if you want to surprise them at short range. For maps with multiple levels, if you can see that you are above someone, jump down and chase them. You will either get the assassination or if they turn around to fight you your shotgun will make short work of them.
The shotgun is amazingly effective for camping, although it is looked down on by most players. Duck around a high-traffic corner and pop people as they come by. Simple as that.
The shotgun goes incredibly well with certain equipment. The bubble shield and the regenerator, specifically. With the bubble shield, deploy it and stand near the outer edge of the shield. As soon as your opponent steps in fire. At any range within the bubble shield the shotgun is a 1 hit kill. Be careful not to fire too soon or you will hit the shield and not your opponent. With the regenerator, deploy it and switch to your battle rifle and begin shooting at your enemy. Your opponents will almost ALWAYS charge in to try and heal themselves and even the battle, at which point you can switch to your shotgun and quickly kill them.
I recommend using a battle rifle as your secondary weapon when you are wielding the shotgun. Why? Firing a shot or two at your opponent, retreating around a corner, crouching and switching to the shotgun is a guaranteed kill for you. Also, you can never rely solely on the shotgun. If your opponents are even half decent they will eventually catch on that you have the shotgun and you are going to need to use the BR instead when they are backing up firing at you with something like the assault rifle.
Always melee immediately after you shoot with the shotgun at close range. You can shoot+melee much faster then you can shoot+shoot. It is a good extra precaution. Do not do this if your opponent is backing up from you while firing however because your melee will not land. In this case, use your best judgment. If you think you can kill them in another shot, take it. If not, switch to your BR and finish them off with a quick headshot.
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